Donate to help re-elect Michelle
Donating online or by check is easy.
Online: Donate securely online using the ActBue donor portal.
Or, donate by check:
1) Make checks out to: Elect Michelle Hutchins County Superintendent 2022
2) Include with your check the following important campaign contribution information. Donors must declare:
- First Name, Last Name
- Street Address
- Phone Number/s (daytime and evening,) optional
- Email Address, optional
- Occupation and Employer
- Affirm that you a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident alien.
3) Read the following campaign contribution rules.
Contributions are not tax deductible. Election law requires us to publicly report cumulative contributions of $100 or more. We may not deposit your contribution without your name, street address, occupation and employer information from individual contributors, and may not accept contributions of $100 or more made by cashier’s checks, money orders, or cash.
Contributions from any one individual or entity in aggregate may not exceed $4,900 per election cycle ($9,700 per election for Small Contributor Committees).
4) Mail your check to:
Elect Michelle Hutchins County Superintendent 2022
1801 Hearst Willits Rd.
Willits, CA 95490