Accomplishments and Initiatives — the First Term
During her first term, in collaboration with the County Office Leadership Team, staff, students, teachers and the community, Michelle worked diligently to:
Navigate the Pandemic Safely
- Ensured all classrooms have access to increased hot spots and more laptops to support distance learning
- Instituted regular town hall meetings with parents, teachers and staff and communications with State and local public health departments
- Brought remote learning modules to teachers all over the county
- Distributed much needed PPE, including over 45 tons of masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer to schools to support in person learning
- Organized vaccination clinics, surveillance testing, and school surveys
- Developed “A Road to Reopening” workbook, guiding schools to prepare to return to in-person learning
Empower Youth Voices
- Championed the Youth Voter Project working with the League of Women Voters, preregistering 11th and 12th graders and educating them on the importance of voting
- Expanded student choice and opportunities such as e-sports and student led clubs that help with solve problems for their community
- Expanded opportunities for children with special needs, English learners and Native American populations
- Created countywide STEM enrichment after school programs
Increase Disaster and Emergency Planning
- Finalized an emergency business center at MCOE in preparation for Public Safety Power Shutoffs
- Secured PurpleAir monitors for eight of the twelve school districts .
- Helped children prepare for emergency events through the Red Cross’ Pillow Case Project
- Joined with Mental Health providers to ensure students were provided counseling related to these events and
- Provided support for teachers to help students respond to trauma of all kinds
Reorganize the County Office of Education
- Instituted greater collaboration with schools, staff, teachers, parents and students
- Ensured staff spent time on-site in all schools in the county to build professional development
Create Community Partnerships
- Partnered with Mendocino Community college and West Business Development Center for a workforce development task force to develop for education and business can best interact to improve education and develop the local workforce.
- Completed a five-year strategic plan that prioritizes equity and strengthens fiscal stewardship
In her next Term, Michelle will:
- Continue the forward progress made despite COVID-19 challenges
- Implement the five-year plan for student excellence
- Enlarge transparency and communications with the community
- Emphasize and foster a collaborative approach with all districts in the county